Energy Storage

Solar PV panels work all year round, but electric energy is not produced all the time. On a sunny day the amount of generated current exceeds household demand, while at night and on cloudy days, the consumption usually exceeds supply. Therefore, it is essential to store surplus energy. Depending on whether you opt for net-metering or invest in greater autonomy, you may choose between two types of systems – “on-grid” and “off-grid.”

Types of PV systems

    • The “on-grid” solar PV system transmits surplus energy to the grid and uses energy supplied by the utility grid, if required, in line with net-metering rule. Application of this solution requires installation of a special two-way meter used for settlements of the prosumer with the energy distribution company.  The settlement method depends on the maximum capacity installed in the panels which identified in kWP units (kilowatt-peak). In line with provisions of the act on renewable energy sources of 2015, systems with power rating up to 10 kWp may consume 80% of the energy they transmit back to the grid, while 10 to 40 kWp systems may only receive 70% of energy. In spite of it, on-grid systems are most popular with customers for economic reasons, as they do not require the installation of expensive batteries. From 2019, this settlement method is also available to businesses, provided they have a PV system whose power rating does not exceed 50 kWp.
    • The “Off-grid” PV system is a great solution for locations where connection to the power grid is challenging or places prone to frequent power cuts. It’s a slightly more expensive solution which yet offers energy self-sufficiency. Its another advantage is the fact that the prosumer (unlike in case of net-metering) does not have to transmit a portion of generated energy to the utility grid. The “off-grid” (or island) system involves creating one’s own energy storage by installing batteries, usually made from lithium-ion cells. They are lightweight and have small capacity, high supply voltage and are ultimately environment-friendly. Our batteries have a lifespan of up to 8 years, what corresponds to approx. 10 charging cycles. Our range features solar batteries that vary both in terms of applied technology and capacity (from 3 kWh to 10 kWh) which is not reduced below 80% of their original capacity over ten years of their lifespan.

    Team up with us to create your own energy storage and enjoy self-sufficiency for many years!

Advantages of the solution

High Battery Capacity

Oszczędność do 80%

24/7 energy availability

Full Panel Integration